Come to the Light…  Light Is Light… Or Is it?  The Successful Light Is Light Class is now tailored just for you in an intense 1 on 1 workshop!

cometothelight copyLight is the very essence in which a photographer paints an image.

Without light, you have nothing.

Have you ever wondered why some images are magical and some just fall flat?

Have you ever tried to make magical images yourself, but couldn’t because you do not understand the concept of light?

If you are that aspiring photographer, please join me and I will demystify the secrets behind successful lighting that will take your images from dull and boring to exciting and captivating with this one day, intensive, hands on workshop.

What you will learn:

  • Understanding light as an emotion
  • Simple set ups for amazing images
  • Learn to control light and not let light control you
  • The magic of the 1 light set up

You will learn all the fundamentals of studio lighting and usage of all types of modifiers as well as how to make snap decisions in any lighting situation especially when light works and doesn’t.

At your disposal, you will receive four completely different lighting set ups that can be modified to suit your needs.

A professional model will be present with hair and make up included.

The workshop also includes:

  • A hardcover, bound illustrative User Manual to take home
  • Lunch

[blockquote]I was taught to understand light. My photography has improved greatly and I have been inspired ever since. – Tinnetta Bell [/blockquote]


[blockquote]I was taught at a young age to hang out with those that are doing what I’d like to do and that do it well. To learn from their successes and their failures. Who would’ve thought that I’d be surrounded by this much greatness. Thank you Dallas for being the force that brought us together and thank God for the art of photography that will inevitably keep us together. – DonnaMaria Robinson Jones [/blockquote]


[blockquote]I’m afraid to think where my photography would be right now without Light Is Light. Dallas J. Logan thank you for showing me the light. – Lamonte GPhotography [/blockquote]