
How’s That Photography Thing Coming Along?

It’s been a long while since my work or artistry was considered a “thing”. But whenever I find someone belittling their art as a thing, this blog always came to mind. Enjoy.


A beautiful aspiring model said to me last night “Well I am going to give this modeling thing a […]

Boring Is Not Sexy… Being Present In Front of the Camera

Most often when I speak with fellow photographers, we all have our issues when working with different models. No two photographers really want the same thing when producing an image, however, there is one thing we ALL have in common. We all HATE boring models. I wrote this blog over […]

Stop Bragging – You Might Get Robbed

Social media is an amazing thing (be it Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr and the like). You can stay in contact with friends and family around the globe. You can follow your favorite celebrities and see what latest antics they are up to. You can view the latest fight on World Star. Social media allows you to […]

How To Become A Professional Photographer

There once was a man named John who decided one day to become a professional photographer. So he set off on an incredible journey. He first purchased 10 Alien Bee lights (because that’s what he was told to do). He purchased a Rebel TSi and all the lenses he could afford (because that’s what he […]

The Friends and Family Rate

I have a good friend who is an entertainment lawyer. He has his expertise in copyright law, intellectual properties and trademark law. Those are his specialties. He has a lot of impressive clients under his belt in the music, photography and film industries. He was my friend even before he passed the bar and now […]

King Of Light – Interview For Philosophie Boudoir Magazine

I recently had the honor of sitting down with photographer Catie Scagilone for an interview with her magazine Philosophie Boudoir Magazine. Personally I don’t really like doing interviews, because I always think “who the hell wants to hear what I have to say?” Well clearly she did, and I finally got my copy today. Here […]

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