
How’s That Photography Thing Coming Along?

It’s been a long while since my work or artistry was considered a “thing”. But whenever I find someone belittling their art as a thing, this blog always came to mind. Enjoy.


A beautiful aspiring model said to me last night “Well I am going to give this modeling thing a […]

The Friends and Family Rate

I have a good friend who is an entertainment lawyer. He has his expertise in copyright law, intellectual properties and trademark law. Those are his specialties. He has a lot of impressive clients under his belt in the music, photography and film industries. He was my friend even before he passed the bar and now […]

King Of Light – Interview For Philosophie Boudoir Magazine

I recently had the honor of sitting down with photographer Catie Scagilone for an interview with her magazine Philosophie Boudoir Magazine. Personally I don’t really like doing interviews, because I always think “who the hell wants to hear what I have to say?” Well clearly she did, and I finally got my copy today. Here […]

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