
About DallasJLogan

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So far DallasJLogan has created 33 blog entries.

Controlling Your Brand

There is a lot of malice in the world today. Most of it is intentional. People hating on you for whatever reason. Spreading lies, gossip and ill-will. Unfortunately you cannot control all the bad publicity that may come your way, when a person hates on you it let’s you […]

Clients Pick the Worst Images

There is an old photographic saying:
“When the photograph is good, everyone gets praise. When the photograph is bad, the photographer gets the blame.”
I have never known a quote to be more true. Because of this quote, I have come to realize that we (the photographer) are the director of every photo shoot that we […]

The Making of a Well Equipped Model

Yes, it’s me again, and yes another blog is coming your way, just after a short interval of time since the “oath” blog. When people come to my blog (especially models), I always want them to walk away with something that may help them along the way. A lot […]

The Friends and Family Rate

I have a good friend who is an entertainment lawyer. He has his expertise in copyright law, intellectual properties and trademark law. Those are his specialties. He has a lot of impressive clients under his belt in the music, photography and film industries. He was my friend even before he passed the bar and now […]

King Of Light – Interview For Philosophie Boudoir Magazine

I recently had the honor of sitting down with photographer Catie Scagilone for an interview with her magazine Philosophie Boudoir Magazine. Personally I don’t really like doing interviews, because I always think “who the hell wants to hear what I have to say?” Well clearly she did, and I finally got my copy today. Here […]

Can You Show Me How To Retouch Like You?

I have a better question. Why would you want to? Why would you want to retouch like me or anyone else for that matter? In the world of photography, the retouching for some photographers is the intricate part of their visual signature. It is the completion of the proverbial cake. Some people may say my […]

The Unsigned Model and the Ugly Truth

A lot of models hate me. Let me rephrase that: a lot of wannabe models hate me. Why? Because I tend to tell the truth a little too honest for their liking. I tend to shoot down their dreams (when I don’t mean to). I tend to “keep it real” when they don’t want realness, […]

When Shooting Is Not Sexy

I love what I do.  I really do.  When people who aren’t in the business of doing what we do, they think of stuff like America’s Next Top Model.  They think everything we do is always glamorous, the models are always beautiful (don’t you wish that was always the case?) […]

You Have To Look Like Your Photos!

Hey my dear readers I am exhausted today, however, not too exhausted to get this blog out of my system. I have never given this issue much thought, but today I was in such a quandary that I had to address it.
Most times when I write a blog, I don’t necessarily mean to disrespect anyone […]

You Can And Will Be Replaced

I knew when I re-released that blog (“Who The Fuck Are You?” https://dallasjlogan.com/blog/who-the-fuck-are-you/) from my archives that I was going to receive a lot of responses towards it (most of them were in private). I got a lot of praise for telling the truth and I even got one “You are a douche bag.” Really? […]

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